Talking Titanium with Kenny Youngblood
TMS Titanium caught up with legendary drag racing artist Kenny Youngblood to chat about where his inspiration comes from and also who some of his favorite racers to work with have been. Kenny has
designed a number of t-shirts for TMS this year and we are excited to have him as a supporter

TMS - You have seen so many cool races cars what are some of your favorite designs?
Kenny Youngblood – “Designs of mine would include '70's cars like Snake's Army car, the Black Magic cars of Al Segrini, and then DA Santuci, Pabst Charger, several of the Custom Body cars, cars of the
80's like Cory Mac's Mac Attack, my own car the American Eagle and many more."

TMS- Where does your inspiration come from when you are doing original work?
KY – “Jesus Christ is the source of all inspiration,
whether we know it or not and whether we give Him credit or not."
TMS - Who are some of the favorite racers you have worked with or done artwork of?
KY – “Tom McEwen, Dave Condit / Condit Bros, Gene Beaver,
Raymond Beadle, TC Lemons, Al Segrini, Kenny Goodell, Connie Swingle,
Russell Long, TJ and Tony Zizzo, Chris The Greek Karamesines, Red Greth, Mendy
Fry, Scott Palmer and so, so many more."

TMS - When you are working on a piece does it all come to you at once or do you get ideas in bits and pieces?
KY - “Both… usually I will see it prior to starting,
sometimes it comes as I do it."
TMS - If you could have anything made out of Titanium what would it be?
KY – “Balls. I already have a Titanium wedding ring."
Buy the Kenny Youngblood TMS t-shirt featured here.